Friday, March 9, 2012

Shoes - Wonderful Sexy Shoes in Second Life

I've been a little lazy in posting to my blog in the last few months. Lots of different reasons that I simply won't bore you with.
Getting back to my original purpose of promoting and informing and training (that might be three purposes) in Second Life, I have decided on starting back up with a new video.
One perplexing issue that I see over and over again, is residents not wearing their shoes properly. Shoes have evolved from simple objects with feet squeezed into them, blocky SL toes revealed in our open toed sandals, to delicate constructions with beautiful feet and incredibly detailed shoes. Along with these changes came HUDs to do many, many things. Perhaps the most important of these was matching the foot colour in these new shoes to your skin. That was always the early knock on wearing the shoes, however, the creators have become incredibly adept at skin matching offering the ability to make very subtle changes even in some cases including notecards with RGB numbers for the most common skins.
With all of this, the most common mistake I see new residents make is failing to wear the shoe shape...
it's the clothing layer piece that allows your foot to be shaped to fit inside. The video gives more details on how to wear shoes. 

I hope to have it make it into a new and updated Quick start video to replace my now outdated walk down memory lane
I could get distracted and off track here, but, this was to be about shoes and wearing them. I'll save things like my love for the new Catznip viewer for another post. Hopefully it'll come a little sooner.
Here's the video, as always the video is designed to be...
Watch in full screen and HD from the You Tube

See you in Second Life 

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU! This video was so helpful to me and you are super good at explaining things!
